Scientists Took 11,000 Photos of Ants’ Faces to Reveal Secrets of Survival
Scientists took over 11,000 photos of ants to reveal how the different patterns and textures on their faces could be the secret behind their survival as a species.
Scientists took over 11,000 photos of ants to reveal how the different patterns and textures on their faces could be the secret behind their survival as a species.
Joshua Coogler uses a Laowa 25mm Ultra Macro lens to capture sinister close-up pictures of ants.
It's not just the big guys you have to be worried about when setting up a camera trap in the jungle. As naturalist Phil Torres explains in this Jungle Diaries video, you should probably look out for ants too.
Want to see some action-packed photographs on a really small scale? Look no further than photographer Alex Wild's collection of photos titled "Ants Fighting." It's a series of macro photographs showing various species of ants engaged in intense battles to the death.
Photographer Andrey Pavlov's images of ants may look like they were computer-generated or created with dead insects, but they're actually real photographs of living ants. Pavlov spends hours setting up his fantasy scenes and then waits for his ant subjects to interact with his miniature props in just the right way.
The photographs in Adam Magyar's Square series appear to show crowds of people bustling about in open town squares, seen from a height that makes them look almost like ants. In reality, each photograph is actually a composite of hundreds of individual photos, and none of the squares actually exist. Magyar photographed strangers walking on sidewalks from only 3-4 meters off the ground, and then blended the photographs together to make them seem like they were captured from a fake height!
We’ve shared a good number of time-lapse videos here on PetaPixel before, but this one is pretty unique in …