Fujifiilm’s Instax mini EVO: The Creative Reboot You’ve Been Seeking
The Fujifilm Instax mini EVO is a combination digital camera, traditional Instax printer, and photo printer for smartphone photos, all in one.
The Fujifilm Instax mini EVO is a combination digital camera, traditional Instax printer, and photo printer for smartphone photos, all in one.
What makes instant film fun to use decades after its peak in popularity? I’d wager it’s the same things that made it fun back in the day: not overthinking things and staying in the moment while also creating unique-looking prints that convey those fleeting moments so perfectly. The Fujifilm Instax Mini Evo takes a different approach.
Thanks to the smartphone camera, we can capture any memory we choose, at any time, but they’re more vulnerable -- and temporary -- than ever, but they all feel more temporary than ever. This is the modern paradox.
Photographer and YouTuber Mathieu Stern has been getting into at-home photo printing lately. But after experimenting with cyanotypes, he decided to simplify even further by trying to print photos using beetroot juice, and nothing else. Dwight Schrute would be proud.
Google Photos is testing a "Monthly Photo Prints" subscription service that uses the company's algorithms to automatically select and print your 10 "best" photos each month. Could Google help bring the 4x6 print back from the dead?
Given that most photos are captured digitally and shared online, it’s easy to forget the beauty of a print.
When it comes to printing your images and that elusive DPI (dots per inch) number, the ultimate question is: "how big is big enough?" Whether you're exporting for billboards, magazines, or fine art prints, this video explains what DPI you should be using and why.
I entered the world of photography when digital cameras where already on the rise, and as a result, I learned photography on digital. That being said, I am a sucker for anything analog... the sensation of using real organic materials to produce photographs excites me.
In news that will either make you smile, sigh or shake your head, Adidas has announced plans to one-up Nike's PHOTOiD program by letting you print your Instagram photos directly on your shoes because... well... we're not sure why.