Burglars Steal $30,000 Worth of Cameras from Iconic Photo Store
Surveillance footage shows the moment burglars broke into an iconic photo supply store and stole over $30,000 worth of cameras.
Surveillance footage shows the moment burglars broke into an iconic photo supply store and stole over $30,000 worth of cameras.
Camera equipment was scattered across the sidewalk along with firearms after a violent robbery at a photo store left one employee injured.
U.K. camera store WEX Photo Video recently opened a contender for the world's most remote camera shop up a mountain in Wales.
Midwest Photo has been burglarized in a big way for a second time in five years. Surveillance video caught a truck crashing into the store as the opening act to the crime.
The delayed gratification of film photography pays dividends. While computers speed up the process incredibly, digital photography remains mere data until printed. Film photography rewards photographers with the tingle of suspense, a purely mechanical workflow, and tangible results on physical film. It's a great idea for serious photographers to experiment with film at some point in their journey, especially because it’s still very easy to find.
Amazon is reportedly planning to start opening large physical retail stores in the United States that will be its version of department stores.
If you're in a business where you need to keep an inventory of expensive cameras and electronics, make sure you find storage shelves that are up to the task. One business learned that lesson the hard way through an unfortunate incident that was caught on camera.
Stavanger Foto, a camera and photography shop in Stavanger, Norway, has set up photo equipment on a giant chessboard. The shop is using everything from flashes and teleconverters to giant super-telephotos to represent the different pieces.
Rode’s Camera Shop, a 109-year-old camera store, burned down last week during rioting in Kenosha, Wisconsin, sparked by the shooting of 29-year-old African-American man Jacob Blake by a police officer.
The iconic 121-year-old camera store Central Camera in Chicago was seriously damaged by a fire over the weekend amidst protests and rioting the erupted after the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police officers.
One of the oldest camera stores in the United States is permanently closing up shop after being devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Henry's, the largest photography retailer in Canada, has announced that it will shutter 7 of its 29 physical stores in a strategic restructuring designed to help it survive in a "post-pandemic world."
Canon USA cut 15% of its Authorized Dealers earlier this week. According to a report by Canon Price Watch, the company removed 71 online outlets and small stores—over 15% of its total network—in an effort to reduce operating costs.
Retailers are already having problems competing against Amazon's free two-day shipping for its Prime members, but now the retail juggernaut is planning to cut that standard shipping time in half. That's right: Amazon is planning to offer free default one-day shipping as a Prime perk.
There has been a nationwide increase in camera store burglaries in recent years, and another one just occurred in Manchester, New Hampshire. The thieves made off with roughly $50,000 in cameras and lenses in less than a minute, and the entire thing was captured on camera.
A popular camera store in the UK was targeted this week by burglars who made off with over $200,000 in Leica cameras and lenses.
I was hesitant when I first found out that Best Buy had a camera shop in their stores. My experience in the past had been a disappointment, walking through their small camera section was underwhelming and most of the associates avoided that area. I didn’t think too much of it, as cameras were not generally accepted knowledge like it is with computers or TVs. Your average employee would have issues talking about ISO, shutter speed, aperture, and the practical application of these terms.
Like many other types of businesses, camera equipment stores can make a lot of money by upselling, or convincing a customer to also purchase additional products and services. But how far can this upselling go before it becomes unethical? A new camera store receipt published online has many photographers furious and some crying "scam."
There has been another notable burglary in the world of camera shops. The Camera Store, the Calgary-based store that has a huge following on YouTube, was broken into this past weekend, and the burglars made off with roughly $35,000 CAD (~$27,000) in Leica and Hasselblad cameras and lenses.
If you've ever worked in retail at a camera store, perhaps this sketch will tickle your funny bone... or bring back bad memories. At 5:30 in this episode of the comedy show Rostered On is an interaction between a store employee and a customer asking to return a "broken" camera.
I've worked in a camera store now for about a year and a half, and I've been a photographer for about 7 years. I enjoy working in the camera shop, as it's my one consistent form of income as a photographer.
The priceyness and portability of photo gear makes camera rental and retail outlets a popular target of burglars, and last week yet another big name in the industry was looted. The camera store Midwest Photo in Columbus, Ohio, was broken into on March 15th, and a huge number of items were stolen.
40 years ago, Bob Khoury and Warren Steinberg started selling used photo equipment out of a showcase in an Atlanta, Georgia, flea market. Soon they moved to a brick and mortar store which, to incorporate their earlier experience, they called Showcase. The store grew to be the largest in Atlanta and sold photo and video equipment to amateurs and professionals alike and last year they celebrated their 40th anniversary.
When it comes to cameras, I’m something of a minimalist. Slap a great sensor behind a fixed focal length lens and let me go shoot—the limitations won’t upset me, they’ll challenge and delight me.
A Wolf Camera store in the Buckhead district of Atlanta, Georgia, was targeted by burglars who drove a truck through the front of the store in a smash-and-grab theft.
When you hear the name "Epson" you probably think of printers, but if you've been around cameras long enough, you may just remember the Epson R-D1: the world's first digital rangefinder and one of the coolest cameras that never got its due.
We've all seen them: Apple's massive billboards, poster ads, and YouTube videos that where all "Shot on iPhone" by real users. The ads inspire some and annoy others, but a camera store in Canada just spoofed those ads in a funny set of parody ads that should make just about everybody grin.
The camera gear retail giant B&H is working to defend itself this month after the US government filed a discrimination lawsuit against the company -- allegations B&H calls "inaccurate" and "bizarre." In an effort to clear its name, B&H is offering the public a glimpse inside its NYC warehouses.
Things haven't been going well for B&H Photo Video, one of the biggest names in the photography retail industry. Just months after being slammed with accusations of mistreatment and discrimination and seeing its workers protest and unionized, B&H is now being sued by the US government for discrimination.
Warning: this is a rant. This one just left me shaking my head. Sure, there are probably times when you think the words “Photography Experience Not Required” might be completely applicable or acceptable. But how about in a job listing for a camera store?