Photographer’s 400-Megapixel Image of the Sun is Made up of 100K Photos
Backyard astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy has released his highest-ever resolution image of the Sun -- a 400-megapixel image made up of over 100,000 photos.
Backyard astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy has released his highest-ever resolution image of the Sun -- a 400-megapixel image made up of over 100,000 photos.
Backyard astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy captured an amazing view of the International Space Station (ISS) crossing the Moon.
Backyard astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy has always wanted to get a shot of the entire Milky Way Galaxy, but living in Arizona makes it impossible.
Backyard astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy took to Twitter to address accusations that his images are "fake" following his latest photo of the ISS crossing the Moon.
Backyard astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy has captured a stunning shot of the International Space Station (ISS) crossing a crescent moon.
Astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy has captured a "GigaMoon" -- a 1.3-gigapixel highly-detailed image of the Moon made from 280,000 photos.
Astrophotographers Andrew McCarthy and Jason Guenzel teamed up to produce this stunning image of the Sun with a solar tornado spinning off it that's as tall as 14 Earths.
Noted astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy has taken to social media to address some of the "drama" associated with his work.
A documentary about renowned astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy has been released on YouTube shining a light on how he captures phenomenal images.
Talented "backyard astrophotographer" Andrew McCarthy has captured an incredible photo of the International Space Station passing in front of one of the Moon's brightest craters.
Astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy has captured a star that went supernova back in the medieval period.
Accomplished astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy captured his "sharpest Jupiter shot", as the planet comes the closest to Earth it has been for nearly 60 years.
Two astrophotographers, Andrew McCarthy and Connor Matherne, took almost a full year to create a spectacularly detailed and colorful image of the Moon.
Talented astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy has posted a wonderous 145-megapixel image of the sun he captured with a specially modified telescope.
Photographer Andrew McCarthy recreated NASA's famous "Pillars of Creation" photograph of the Eagle Nebula using a $500 telescope.
A massive and "potentially hazardous" asteroid measuring 0.68 miles (1.1km) wide flew past the Earth at over 43,000 miles per hour on Tuesday. Photographer Andrew McCarthy managed to capture real-time footage showing what the flyby looked like in the night sky.
Right now, there is an 80,000 mile high "plasma tree" bursting from the surface of the Sun and into its atmosphere. This image, captured by photographer Andrew McCarthy, provides a sense of scale to the sheer mass of the Solar System's star.
As Comet Leonard whizzed by Earth during Christmas festivities on its journey through the Solar System, photographer Andrew McCarthy went out into his backyard and captured incredible photos of the colorful "Christmas Comet."
Well-known astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy has captured a stunning new photograph of the Sun with an impressive amount of detail by combining 150,000 separate photos captured from his backyard.
The longest partial lunar eclipse in 580 years occurred this week, and photographers around the world did their best to capture the once-in-a-lifetime event on camera. Photographer Andrew McCarthy went the extra mile by staying up until 4am and capturing thousands of photos to create an incredible composite of the eclipse.
Backyard astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy has released this remarkable photo of the Sun that he says is the clearest shot he has ever made of the star.
Astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy is known for getting creative with his craft, capturing awe-inspiring photos of celestial bodies from in and around his backyard in Sacramento. For his latest idea, he decided to combine light painting and astrophotography into this unusual, dazzling photo of the Moon.
Photographer Andrew McCarthy was shooting the Sun recently when an airliner unexpectedly flew right into his shot. The result was this picture-perfect image of "A Civilian Transit."
Photographer Andrew McCarthy is known for shooting incredible astrophotography images from his backyard in Sacramento, California. He recently added two more jaw-dropping images to his portfolio: ultra-clear views of the International Space Station (ISS) crossing the Sun and Moon.
When most people hear the words "backyard astrophotography", they probably think of photos of the Milky Way, planets, or galaxies, but did you know it's possible to capture some amazing close-up photos of the Sun as an amateur photographer?
Photographer Andrew McCarthy wanted to create a moon photo with more texture, so he spent two weeks photographing the waxing moon from his backyard and then combined slices from the photos where the shadows are longest. This is what resulted.
Did you know that you can capture clearer photos of planets by using a red filter? Photographer Andrew McCarthy captured this view of Saturn from his backyard in Sacramento by doing just that.
Pillars of Creation is a famous photo of the Eagle Nebula captured by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope. Photographer Andrew McCarthy recently captured his own version of the photo from his own backyard in Sacramento, California.
Sacramento, California-based amateur astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy is a master of shooting amazing space photos from his own backyard, and he's back again with this beautiful high-res photo of the moon created by combining 250,000 individual shots.
Sacramento-based astrophotography enthusiast Andrew McCarthy extracted color data from 150,000 photos of the moon to create this enhanced photo showing all the different splashes of color on the surface left by impacts of different minerals.